EPIZODA: 2 - Auf der Suche nach dir


The young cook Astrid wants to open a restaurant in Stockholm: she has planned it with her friend Lars. Arriving at her apartment Astrid finds a note from Lars telling her that he has to do some duties and that before the building there is a gift for her.The gift is a Volvo station wagon Duett painted in pink.When she was to go to the date for the purchase of the place for the restaurant, an old VW Combi stays before her station wagon.Inside there a little who is waiting for her father.Then the father appears,apologizes for the inconvenience and gives Astrid a pot of honey.Then Astrid meets the real estate agent for the signature of the contract of purchase, they wait a good time for Lars,Astrid tries to call Lars,but Lars doesn't answer.Lars has disappeared.In the apartment she receives the visit of her mother and they begin a search.In a notebook Lars has written that he had a date with Björn in the camping place past Monday.Now Astrid remembers that the camping is in the island of Öland and decides to travel to Öland.


Inga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga Lindström


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