Na Planet TV na sporedu od ponedeljka do srede ob 21:00 Tokrat bomo spremljali slovenske pare, ki se bodo prvič spoznali šele pred oltarjem. Dvanajstim udeležencem bodo skupno pot pomagali najti psiholog...

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Planet TV SI  

  • Celebrity IOU (2020)

    Hollywood celebrities express their deep gratitude to the people who have had a huge impact on their lives by surprising them with large and moving renovations to...
  • Bizarna hrana s Andrewom Zimmernom (2006)

    Host Andrew Zimmern explores various cultures through their cuisines.
  • Prirodne izobličenosti (2016)

    Glasoviti plastični kirurzi dr Terry Dubrow i dr Paul Nassif putuju diljem Amerike u namjeri da promijene živote onih koji imaju urođene ili traumatske anomalije....
  • Špalir čeličnih kuhara (2017)

    The greatest title in the world of food is back. Seven of the hottest rising chefs from across America will face the most feared ingredients from around the...

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