
The Gadget Show: Shop Smart, Save Money: Episode 15

The Gadget Show (2009)

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EPIZODA: 15 - Episode 15


Jason and Ortis join forces to build an amazing power-tool racer. Following a thorough trouncing in 2008’s Silverline Power Tool Drag Race, they decide to enter again this year. This time, however, the boys really mean business!

Firstly, Jason and Ortis assess the competition. They take a good look at the vehicles that have been victorious in previous years and research the technology behind their success. They also evaluate how their team came so hopelessly unstuck last year.

Deciding that chainsaw-powered vehicles are the way to go, Jason and Ortis enlist the help of ace engineers Stewart Pilley and Matthew Ward. They then track down three Stihl 8.7bhp chainsaw engines, and set about constructing a cutting-edge chainsaw-powered go-kart that might place glory within their grasp...

The team decides to source an old go-kart from a karting centre and strip it down. Ortis and Jason take out the engine, seat, steering wheel and existing wheels. The rear axle is also removed from the chassis and the gear ratio is calculated specifically for the chainsaws. Lastly, they paint the kart, add new wheels and fit protective plastic to the chassis.

Race day finally arrives and Ortis and Jason head to Haynes Motor Museum in Somerset to see just what their go-kart is made of. Will Jason, Ortis and their chainsaw-powered go-kart blow the competition out of the water? Or will they be humiliated and defeated once again?


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