
Melrouz plejs: I Married a Jock Murderer

Melrose Place (1999)

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EPIZODA: 21 - I Married a Jock Murderer


Eve and Ryan try to reunite Kyle and Amanda. Kyle tells Amanda that her unreasonable expectations have destroyed him. Ryan becomes suspicious of Megan's irregular hours. He sees her interviewing one of Lexi's potential dates and assumes that she has returned to prostitution. Michael embezzles $100,000 from the children's charity fund to invest with Perry. Perry vanishes with the money, and Michael learns that he is a con artist who feigns heart trouble to win the trust of wealthy doctors. Michael covers his tracks by volunteering to serve as the charity's treasurer. Kyle forces Eve to sing with Rikki G's band. The group's disgusting behavior prompts her to quit. A drunken Kyle tells Peter about Eve's murder conviction and long prison sentence.


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