
Melrouz plejs: As Bad as It Gets

Melrose Place (1998)

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EPIZODA: 5 - As Bad as It Gets


Michael has Taylor shipped away in an ambulance, but she and Jane later discover each other. Jane is furious to learn of the pregnancy, and rents an apartment at the complex. Amanda recruits her for a job at AWA. Jane reconciles with Michael, and agrees to help care for Taylor. Taylor decides that she isn't fit to be a mother and asks Jane and Michael to adopt her baby. Peter is uneasy about the plot he arranged with Mr. Beck. He is unable to call it off, and Amanda is kidnapped. Samantha convinces Jeff to send Billy a fax in which ""Alison"" expresses her love for him. Billy claims that he only wishes to help Alison, but Jennifer fears that he still holds feelings for her. Lexi continues to taunt Megan about her marriage, and goads Brett into sleeping with her.


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