The Winter Festival is coming and Po is asked to host the great exclusive formal banquet for all the Masters of Kung Fu. However, the occasion is on the same night as his father's restaurant's own party and Mr. Ping, upset at his son's absence, will not cancel it to cook for the masters at Po's request. Burdened by his father's imposed guilt about his conflicting responsibilities, Po finds all the preparations a dispiriting struggle. However, the solution comes from where he least expects it even as the panda must decide who truly needs him more on the big night.


Kung Fu Panda HolidayKung Fu Panda HolidayKung Fu Panda HolidayKung Fu Panda HolidayKung Fu Panda HolidayKung Fu Panda HolidayKung Fu Panda HolidayKung Fu Panda Holiday


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