Lorraine Kelly revisits the small Scottish border town of Lockerbie to find out how the residents coped with the aftermath of Europe's deadliest terror attack - this film depicts how Lorraine was one of the first TV reporters to arrive after Pan Am Flight 103 exploded mid-air in December 1988, killing all 259 people aboard and 11 on the ground. Lorraine goes on a highly personal journey to understand what happened to the town once the TV cameras went home and to explore what the tragedy meant to her - she meets the residents of Lockerbie who didn't put up Christmas lights in the town centre for 10 years after the event and hears how people there attempted to make sense of the senseless and found hope in human connection as a way to deal with their grief. Lorraine also seeks to understand what this horrific event can teach us about the road back to peace from trauma and asks whether the event had a more profound impact on her own life than she imagined.

RUNTIME: 50 min


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