One day Metin, a guy scared to death of illness and adventure, runs into the feisty Hayat. They fall into a relationship, which, though stormy at first, changes both of their lives like a kiss of life. Romance teaches Metin, for one, that there is more to life than mere survival. But when one is so into life and the other so nervous of it, can this unlikely pair truly be happy together? In its touching and hilarious tale of why life should be lived to the full, Kiss of Life points to the healing power of love.


Aucun avis
  • Cet obscur objet du désir (1977)

    Just after boarding a train, much to the surprise of his fellow passengers, a man pours a bucket of water over a young girl on the platform. Over the next few...
  • Où sont passés les Morgan? (2009)

    Dans cette joyeuse comédie romantique, Hugh Grant et Sarah Jessica Parker incarnent un couple au bord du divorce, contraint de subir la protection du FBI après...
  • Drame de la jalousie (1970)

    A three-way love affair in the Rome of the early seventies. Construction worker Oreste and young fiancee Adelaide meet Nello, cook in a pizzeria. This love...
  • My Bride (2021)

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