Uma Thurman stars as a 37-year-old divorcee who falls for fresh-faced newcomer Bryan Greenberg. However, the real chemistry here is between Thurman and Meryl Streep, her therapist, who is also Greenberg's mother ... While the lovebirds are unaware of this unholy triangle, Streep is pulled in all directions as she tries to reconcile her responsibility to her client with her desire for her son to marry a nice Jewish girl. This set-up could have ended as an irritating collection of skits, but instead writer/director Ben Younger aims to uncover deeper truths about relationships and serves up his conclusions with a wickedly deadpan humour. Unfortunately, Thurman and Greenberg aren't entirely convincing as a couple, so whenever Streep is offscreen, the story tends to drag. Yet, even with its imperfections, Prime is an entertaining piece of slightly heightened reality.