Gustavo is a chef Milan widower who runs a restaurant in Rome: in his local work former boxer Rocky and dishwasher Cecco. The restaurateur is never separated from Walter, a guinea pig, and his son Fabio who gives him a hand as a waiter. In this story Fabio reunited with Chris, his former girlfriend, because she is in Rome intends to hire a cook for her wedding banquet in St. Moritz: the chosen one is just Gustavo, thanks to a trick of Fabio. So Gustavo in St. Moritz has to organize a banquet in the next two newlyweds Steve and Chris. Chris's father, Tony, initially said to be rich, but after you will come to know that the inheritance of his wife Sara did not remain a penny. For marriage are called the two organizers Gina and Paloma: the first is invaghirà groom, while the latter falls in love with Ben, but rejects it as gerontophile (you put it together with the old grandmother of the bride). Everything seems to be going according to plan but some twists mess up the marriage. ...


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