

Verginità (1951)

drama, romantika | Italija

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Ocjena: 5.2/10


Gina is the daughter of a provincial newsstand dealer and spends her time reading pulp magazines and dreaming of a glamorous vocation on the big city. She enters a beauty contest in a nearby city, without her father's permission, and, en route, meets Franco, a salesman. When she loses out in the contest, she is approached by Giancarlo and Rene, pulp magazine publishers, to be an illustrations model. She is excited but Franco is suspicious and keeps a paternal eye on her. Gina shares a room with Mara, who is Giancarlo's mistress. Mara notices that Giancarlo's attentions to her are wandering, but she does not realize he has become attracted to Gina. However, the publishing occupation is just a cover for Giancarlo's real business, which is white slavery---a pimp---and his interest in girls is merely procurement. He begins to get rid of Mara by giving her a passport and a false contract for a theater in Brazil, telling her he will meet her there later. Mara catches on to Giancarlo's ...


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