
Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness (1993)

drama | SAD
Redatelj: Nicolas Roeg

Ocjena: 5.7/10


Marlow is an ambitious and adventurous sailor who is employed by an English trading company and sent to an African colony. There he travels up the river, visiting the trading stations who barters for ivory with the natives. On his journey he is told about a man named Kurtz whose station is the one furthest up the river, deep in the African jungle. Some talk of him in awe, others in admiration, but they all seem to fear him. As Marlow gets closer and closer to Kurtz he understands that the man has gone insane and is now doing the most horrible and blasphemous deeds. Based on Joseph Conrad's classic novel about greed and insanity.


Nema recenzija
  • Izgaranje (2018)

    Mladi dostavljač Jong-su susretne prijateljicu iz djetinjstva koja ga zamoli da joj pripazi mačku dok je ona na putu u Africi. Kad se ona vrati, predstavi mu...

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