The series follows Sookie Stackhouse, a barmaid living in Louisiana who can read people's minds, and how her life is turned upside down when the Vampire Bill,...
In this quasi-mythological costume series, Hercules (in Greek Herakles), the noble bastard son of Zeus, hence hated to death by his step-mother Hera, doesn't live...
Marinette und Adrien sind zwei Schüler – fast – wie andere auch. Bei der kleinsten Bedrohung von Paris werden sie zu Ladybug und Cat Noir. Ihre Mission: Die...
Turkish television comedy series set in Istanbul, Leyla and Mecnun is a surreal and absurd comedy that revolves around the fictional love story between Leyla and...
A poor girl from the South of Italy comes to Milan to escape an unfaithful fiancé and finds a job as a salesperson for a department store. She soon gets noticed...
Lisa Plenske is the protagonist of this telenovela, set in the often cold and superficial fashion business. Living in a rural suburb of Berlin, the honest and...
LoliRock follows the journey of young Iris, a spirited teenage girl with a beautiful voice and an unending desire to help others. When Iris joins the girl group...
Die ursprünglich als Telenovela mit vorher festgelegter Folgenanzahl gestartete Nachmittagsserie verarbeitet in romantischen Bildern die Beziehungsgeschichten...
Eric Hanson travels to around the globe to backpack the world's most epic trails. The show also showcases the people, culture and experiences to be had in the...
Veteran bear trainer Jeff Watson takes on perhaps his toughest task in more than 25 years of rescuing and raising the majestic animals. His goal -- to reverse the...
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