The documentary series that unveils the best kept secrets of Hollywood and reveals the well-known scandals of the showbiz world. Each episode covers such topics as the Harvey Weinstein scandal and #Metoo movement, mysterious celebrity deaths, craziest downfalls, the insane lifestyle of the rich and famous and all the stories that everybody wants to know. Great archival footage, exclusive interviews and reenactment scenes to relive the best and most scandalous moments ever of Hollywood's story.

Es war auf den Kanälen:


  • Vitrina e Librit

  • L'aventure humaine (1997)

    These documentaries use reenactments to tell the stories of past civilisations, looking for traces of ancient history of mankind and the scientific, technical and...
  • Die gefährlichsten Raubtiere der Welt (2010)

    The Animal Kingdom is rife with epic stories of survival - tales of kill or be killed - a place where each and every moment is fraught with life and death...
  • Faszinierende Wildnis (2009)

    10-teilige Dokumentation von und mit Sir David Attenborough über die vielfältigen Arten von Leben auf unserem Planeten, die letzten unbekannten Phänomene der...

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