Cells at Work! Code Black: Front Line, Gonococci, and Conflict

はたらく細胞BLACK (2021)

Режисьори: Kôji Aritomi

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EPISODE: 4 - Front Line, Gonococci, and Conflict


Gonococci have entered the body through sexual intercourse. The White Blood Cells are forced to fight an uphill battle with the gonococci, who are known for their unbelievable proliferation rate. The gonococci have invaded the areas surrounding the urethra and are closing in on the epididymis where the sperm are. In order to stop any further advancement of the gonococci, White Blood Cells wage an all-out war against them in the lymph node. Meanwhile, Red Blood Cells have been assigned with the dangerous task of delivering oxygen to the urethra.

Времетраене: 24 мин


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