Cells at Work! Code Black: Excitement, Swelling, and Emptiness

はたらく細胞BLACK (2021)

Режисьори: Kazuya Fujishiro

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EPISODE: 3 - Excitement, Swelling, and Emptiness


The Red Blood Cells have been given an important mission to fill the erectile tissue with blood to trigger an erection. Red Blood Cell (AA2153) is enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to the birth of new life. However, after overcoming various struggles, the exhausted cells must face their arch enemy, the gonococcal cells, known for multiplying at astonishing rates. Though they are vastly outnumbered, the White Blood Cells (Neutrophils) fight the gonococci with everything they have. The desperate battle to protect this body and their world begins now…

Времетраене: 24 мин


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