
On Behalf of God: De João da Iuca a John of God

Em Nome de Deus (2020)

документален | Бразилия
Режисьори: Monica Almeida, Gian Carlo Bellotti

Къде да погледнем
Показването не е налично в държавата
Рейтинг: 8.6/10


EPISODE: 4 - De João da Iuca a John of God


The new documental series created by journalist Pedro Bial tells the story of famous Brazilian medium John of God, from the beginning of his career as miracle healer, until the investigations that led to his prison in 2018. 'On Behalf of God' reveals how the spiritisthid hundreds of sexual abuses and other crimes with the help of a protection network that combined fanaticism, violence, fame and power.


Foto: RTL / (c) GLOBOFoto: RTL / © GLOBOFoto: RTL / © GLOBOFoto: RTL / © GLOBOFoto: RTL / © GLOBOFoto: RTL/ © GLOBOFoto: RTL/ (c) GLOBOFoto: RTL/ (c) GLOBOFoto: RTL/ (c) GLOBOFoto: RTL/ (c) GLOBOFoto: RTL/ (c) GLOBOFoto: RTL/ (c) GLOBOFoto: RTL / (c) GLOBOFoto: RTL / (c) GLOBOFoto: RTL / © GLOBO


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