
Tale of the Mummy

Tale of the Mummy (1998)

приключенски, фентъзи, хорър, научна фантастика | Съединени щати, Люксембург, Обединеното кралство, Германия
Режисьори: Russell Mulcahy

Рейтинг: 3.9/10
Потребителска оценка: 6/10
(2 гласове)


Centuries ago, under the sands of ancient Egypt, a Prince was buried and his tomb eternally cursed so that no man would ever again suffer from his evil ways. But hundreds of years later on a greedy search for treasure, a group of archaeologists break the cursed seal of the tomb. Every man vanishes without a trace, leaving behind only a log book, and a deadly warning of the legend of the bloodthursty Talos. Fifty years later, the log book ends up in the hands of the granddaughter of the head archaeologist, and she defiantly sets out to retrace his steps. Discovering the forbidden treasure, she recovers a sacred amulet and once again unleashes the savage power of the tomb. Racing through the streets of London, and against the force of a rare interplanetary line-up, she, along with the help of her original dig team and an American detective, desperately try to turn back the inhuman curse and to keep Talos from destroying all in his path in an attempt to gain immortal power.


Tale of the MummyTale of the MummyTale of the MummyTale of the MummyTale of the MummyTale of the Mummy


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