
Повелителят на конете

The Horse Whisperer (1998)

драма, романтичен, уестърн, екшън | Съединени щати
Режисьори: Robert Redford

Рейтинг: 6.7/10
Потребителска оценка: 7.5/10
(20 votes)


Robert Redford won the Hollywood bidding war over the movie rights to British author Nicholas Evans's bestseller about a Montana cowboy who cures traumatised horses. Directing himself for the first time, Redford fits the role as snugly as his faded denims, watched glowingly by blonde, mature Kristin Scott Thomas, a natural choice after her role in The English Patient. She's a New Yorker with a daughter and a horse, both disabled in an awful road accident - an event that opens the film and that most viewers will watch with horror. So, leaving husband Sam Neill behind, they trot off to Montana to see horse shrink Redford. Guess what happens? The story's blend of Disney wildlife film and adult romance is bizarre and, at nearly three hours, far too long. But the Montana scenery is stunning and, against your better judgement, you will probably feel a lump in your throat.


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