
Dark Shadows: DS-510

Dark Shadows (1968)

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EPIZODA: 50 - DS-510


Stokes calls Collinwood and is relieved that Julia answers. Julia comes to Stokes house and is able to treat Tony. She says it is strange of Tony to have done that. Stokes figures out that Tony is being used by Cassandra. He says they might need the help of the witch hunter who had sentenced Vickie--Reverand Trask! He takes out Ben Stokes' journal and tries to figure out where Trask is buried. Ben Stokes' leads Timothy's hands to fill in the blanks, and Timothy finds that Trask was bricked up in the Old House basement. Tony wakes up and enters. Timothy tells Tony to tell Cassandra that he is dead. At Collinwood in the foyer, Roger and Cassandra are playing chess. They get in an argument and Roger goes upstairs.Tony arrives and tells Cassandra that Timothy is dead. Roger sees them, and Tony pretends like he has come to Collinwood to see if Carolyn is awake. In the basement of the Old House, Professor Stokes, Tony, and Julia try ot contact the ghost of Reverand Trask. Trask talks through


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