EPIZODA: 2 - I'm Going to Sweatland


Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle-aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He has a very attractive but lazy wife named Peggy who constantly nags him to death while throwing the little money he earns away on herself. He also has a very promiscuous teen-aged daughter named Kelly who makes up in attractiveness what she lacks in IQ points, and a not-so-attractive but bright teen-aged son named Bud who seems to think he is a ladies' man. To add to Al's misery is his yuppie next-door neighbors Marcy and Steve. They eventually split up with Marcy keeping the house next door to the Bundys and Steve moving away to be a forest ranger. Later, Marcy gets remarried to a gigolo named Jefferson, who is the male version of Peggy. The sitcom revolves around Al's never-ending attempts to better his life which always lead him right back to where he started.


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