
The Rise of the Murdoch Dynasty

The Rise of the Murdoch Dynasty (2020)

dokumentarni | Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Redatelj: Jamie Roberts

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A dramatic three-part series tells the incredible story of Rupert Murdoch's Empire, interweaving his behind-the-scenes influence on world events with the personal battle for power at the heart of his own family.
Over the last 50 years, one man has played an unparalleled part in transforming British society. That man is Rupert Murdoch. Feared and fêted by politicians, Murdoch has built the biggest media operation on the planet. His empire has given him extraordinary power and influence. This is its story. From the ambition that fuelled its success, to the criminality that led to the closure of the News of the World, and the Leveson Inquiry. This documentary series is an electrifying study of the Murdoch dynasty, charting the ups and downs of an empire.


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