EPIZODA: 3 - Laundromat of the Gods


Hackett is stuck in a place where modern technology comes to die: the junkyard. For Hackett, it's the mother lode of obtainium. The only downside is that it's also the world's dirtiest place, it's filled with a strange type of goo — a mixture of hemorrhaged engine gas bleeding from rusty tanks and the dust of 1,000 rotting cars — and it leaks all over his clothes. Since there is no way Hackett will pay thousands of dollars for an industrial washer/dryer, he sets out to make one. Hackett finds an old American clunker — this is the base structure for his washer and dryer system. To complete the transformation from car to washer/dryer, Hackett must build a welder from scratch, reinvent the spin cycle, and turn the exhaust fumes of a car into the heat he needs to dry his clothes.


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