Superninje: Cousin Connor

Supah Ninjas (2012)

Redatelj: Leo Chu, Eric Garcia

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EPIZODA: 26 - Cousin Connor


Mike's cousin, Connor, returns to Empire City to obtain the floating sword and set up a trap to the ninjas. Mike discovers Connor's identity as an Ishina. He also discovers that his grandfather's twin brother Kagema, who has betrayed the Fukanagas and has now returned to lead the Ishina. In a fight with Connor, Mike loses his mon to him, and the episode ends with Connor inserting the mon into the Supah Ninjas' dojo entrance in Mike's bedroom and it opens up in front of him with Mike, Amanda, Owen and Hologramps looking in despair. Meanwhile Mike is upset, thinking that Amanda and Owen have a thing for each other, after Connor tells him they are into each other. Connor tells Owen that Amanda bleaches her hair, and he tells Amanda that Owen likes her.


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