
Intervention: Rachel & Tommy

Intervention (2005)

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EPIZODA: 11 - Rachel & Tommy


Rachel, now 26, grew up a beautiful child in idyllic upper-middle class Maryland. But her body is withering away and she hasn't been home in years. Rachel is addicted to heroin and lives on the streets, making money as a prostitute. Her family and friends know she has already hit bottom and is nearing death. An Intervention is their only hope for Rachel.

Tommy is a 38-year-old executive from Texas. He began using cocaine heavily a little over a year and half ago. Since that time Tommy quit his job, sold his Lexus, his retirement plan and his million-dollar condo to sustain his cocaine habit. Most of his furniture and other possessions have been sold for cocaine. Tommy is homeless. He is riding around on a bicycle. He sleeps on the roof of his friends' condos or on park benches. He hides from his friends and family because he is so ashamed at what his life has become. The people who love and care for him are desperate for him to get help, an Intervention is their last hope.


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