EPIZODA: 2 - Liebesreigen


Returning home Lisa is now helping her family on the Huber-Alm. Her sister Marie has a night of love in the hay with Georg Leitner of all people. For the two eternal brawlers, this situation is more than unexpected. The next morning they don't know what that means. Because surprisingly, real feelings are involved. But there is no time to explore them. Georg's ex-wife Mirjam creates a new trouble spot in the dispute between the Hubers and the Leitners: She wants to hire Lisa as a lawyer for a custody dispute over daughter Lea. Of course, no one wants members of the family who were friends to see each other again in front of a judge - especially since Sebastian Leitner finally seems ready for a reconciliation with Lorenz Huber. But he doesn't want to tell his daughter Lisa to accept the delicate mandate. Her sister Marie is also faced with a difficult decision, because the one-night stand with Georg is not without consequences. There is also plenty of fuel to ignite with holiday guests: Anna and Hannes, who are now a couple, are on holiday with their ex-partner and their two children. Old wounds and new feelings make adults feel jealous - and lead to far-reaching decisions.


At Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the Mountains


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