EPIZODA: 2 - Brave


In the span of ten days, artist/activist Rose McGowan was arrested, met with former President Barack Obama, and became one of TIME Magazine's "People of the Year," all while navigating the minefield of those trying to silence her. CITIZEN ROSE is a project that reflects a dramatically changing world. We follow McGowan as she readies her memoir/manifesto, BRAVE, for release. CITIZEN ROSE is McGowan's world: the art, the #ROSEARMY, her special punk brand of activism and the music she makes to heal. By going up against the Hollywood machine, McGowan has shown true courage in the face of adversity and this documentary will take you behind-the-scenes of her tumultuous and fascinating life. She will process, in almost real-time, the massive social change she has helped usher in as well as fight back against those who have hurt so many, including her.


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