
The Real Housewives of Atlanta: The Buck Stops in Birmingham

The Real Housewives of Atlanta (2008)

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EPIZODA: 4 - The Buck Stops in Birmingham


Kenya invites the ladies to Birmingham, Ala., to watch her surprise halftime performance at the Magic City Classic football game; Sanya struggles with blurred lines between family and work as her assistant/brother-in-law quits.


The Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of Atlanta


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