
MasterChef Australia: Bottom 10 Elimination Challenge

MasterChef Australia (2010)

reality show | Australija

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EPIZODA: 3 - Bottom 10 Elimination Challenge


The 10 contestants who performed worst in Tuesday's signature dish challenge were split into 5 groups of 2 and given 7 hours to drive out to local farms, collect fresh produce, and return to the MasterChef kitchen to prepare a main and a dessert. One contestant, Andrea, found the challenge difficult, and realised that MasterChef was not for her; her withdrawal from the competition forced her partner in the challenge, Philip, to prepare both dishes on his own. Despite this setback, he and 4 others kept their spots in the competition, while 5 contestants were eliminated.


MasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef AustraliaMasterChef Australia


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