A police detective in 2016 discovers that she is able to speak via a ham radio with her estranged father; Frank Sullivan, a detective who died in 1996 and the two must work together to change the history of tragic events to come while also getting the chance to heal their complicated relationship.

Era sui canali:

20 Mediaset  Italia 1  Italia 2  Telequattro  

  • Supernatural (2005)

    This television drama is about two brothers, Sam and Dean, who were raised by their father, John, to hunt and kill all things that go "bump in the night" after...
  • CSI - Scena del crimine (2000)

    CSI - Scena del crimine racconta le vicende del Las Vegas Police Department, specializzato in prove forensi. Il team di esperti è guidato da Gil Grissom, un...
  • Cold Case - Delitti irrisolti (2003)

    I "Cold case" - letteralmente i "casi freddi", quelli chiusi da tempo, archiviati - sono i tipi di casi che è chiamata a risolvere la giovane detective Lilly Ru.
  • Senza traccia (2002)

    As any detective can tell you, investigating missing property or deaths is comparatively easy compared to elusive missing people. However in New York City, there...

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