
Hercules: The Cave of Echoes

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (1995)

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EPISODIO: 24 - The Cave of Echoes


In this quasi-mythological costume series, Hercules (in Greek Herakles), the noble bastard son of Zeus, hence hated to death by his step-mother Hera, doesn't live as an Olympian after accomplishing his Works and the Argonauts' journey, as classical myth has it, but relinquishes immortality and continues to fight both human and supernatural evil on earth, as a wanderer in and beyond Greece, usually accompanied by his human side-kick Iolaus and sometimes by dodgy Salmoneus. Countless are the challenges, either especially set up by Hera or just on his way, but he always triumphs against all odds, delivers otherwise often hopeless mortals and moves on to new adventures.

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