Researchers scour the internet looking for traces of artificial intelligence. Not for A.I. created intentionally but A.I. that has been created by accident with the many computers and codes being run across the internet, coming together to form a self aware being.

C'était sur les chaînes:

Travel Channel  iTVN Extra  

  • Les dossiers de la NASA (2012)

    A look is taken at exclusive NASA footage and firsthand accounts of mysterious fly objects from astronauts and scientists are presented.
  • Berlin direkt (1999)

    Magazine politique sur ZDF, chaque dimanche à 19h10.
  • Click (2000)

    Click. A comprehensive guide to all the latest gadgets, websites, games and computer industry news.
  • Tomorrow Today

    Dive in to the fascinating world of science with Tomorrow Today. Your weekly dose of science knowledge. A show for everyone who's curious -- about our cosmos and...

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