This anthology series written by Jimmy McGovern follows various characters as they await a verdict on their trial and reflect on how they came to be accused. Each of the episodes follows a different central character, with Christopher Eccleston, Benjamin Smith, Juliet Stevenson, Olivia Colman, Sean Bean, Sheridan Smith and Anne-Marie Duff among the actors to step into the dock.

C'était sur les chaînes:


  • CSI: Vegas (2021)

    Facing an existential threat that could bring down the Crime Lab, a brilliant team of forensic investigators must welcome back old friends and deploy new...
  • Unforgettable (2011)

    Carrie Wells, a former NY Police detective, has a rare medical condition that gives her the ability to visually remember everything. She rejoins the force and...
  • Meurtres à... (2013)

    A collection of police murder investigations each time taking place in a different French city and region.
  • Elementary (2012)

    A modern take on the cases of Sherlock Holmes, with the detective now living in New York City.

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