Seventeen-year-old Victoire is sent against her will to Toulouse Lautrec High School, which is for students with disabilities. At first, she's averse to this special institution. But as time goes by, she gradually overcomes her preconceptions, finding friendship, love and solidarity. Not only does she witness courage and strength among her peers, she also recognizes the devotion and altruism displayed by the students' parents and the teachers. In fact, all these everyday heroes have a huge effect on her, changing her life forever. She and her new classmates have occasional heartaches, periodic conflicts with parents, warm friendships, budding romances, lashings of laughter, bad hair days and bad clothes days. But whatever happens, their friendship is way stronger than death or disease, outweighing any prejudice that may come their way.

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TF1  TF1 Séries Films  TMC  


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