Criminalist Viola Delbrück and Detective Burkhard "Butch" Schulz are mismatched investigators in this atmospheric German crime drama set in the mountains of Upper...
"The Missing" follows Tony, played by James Nesbitt, as a man devastated by the abduction of his young son, Oliver, during a family vacation in France. He becomes...
Facing an existential threat that could bring down the Crime Lab, a brilliant team of forensic investigators must welcome back old friends and deploy new...
Join Brad and Barry Klinge, founders of Everyday Paranormal, take ghost hunting to the extreme as they travel the country tackling some of America s most haunted...
A German language television series that has been running continuously since 1970, which makes it the longest-running German TV drama. Every episode features...
As any detective can tell you, investigating missing property or deaths is comparatively easy compared to elusive missing people. However in New York City, there...
When you first saw him, Lieutenant Columbo looked like a bum that just came off the street. He had a bumbling demeanor, was overly polite and seemed to chomp on...
Chez les Reagan, la « Loi » est une histoire de famille. Henry était commissaire général (chef de police ou préfet de police) de New York, son fils Frank lui a...
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