Commissioners Benedikt Beissl and Jerry Paulsen investigate murder cases in Berchtesgaden.

C'était sur les chaînes:

DasErste  SWR  

  • Stuttgart Homicide (2009)

    DI Martina Seifert and her collaborators solve murders in the Stuttgart region. The series is well liked for its regional filming locations.
  • Chérif (2013)

    The adventures and misadventures of the always-smiling Kader Cherif, Captain of Lyons' Criminal Brigade with an eccentric way to solve the cases, and his...
  • Die Rosenheim-Cops (2002)

    A team of inspectors investigate murders in and around the small Upper Bavarian town of Rosenheim. There is plenty of time to see idyllic landscapes and luxurious...
  • Section de recherches (2006)

    The police work of a special Gendarmerie unit that operates in Bordeaux, their complicated cases and the interpersonal relationships established among the team...

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