Great Teacher Onizuka: Onizuka and the Art of War

グレート・ティーチャー・オニヅカ (1999)

Réalisateur: Noriyuki Abe, Naoyasu Habu

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Spectacle non disponible dans le pays


EPISODE: 9 - Onizuka and the Art of War


 "Fukuroda Hajime" is a physical education teacher who is proud of his physical strength. One day, Fukuroda, who was hazzled in front of the students because of Onizuka, challenges Onizuka, but no matter how desperate he is, he cannot beat Onizuka and is depressed.

 At that time, an incident occurred in which the bloomers of all the girls in the 3rd grade and 4th group were stolen. Fukuroda, who bets on honor recovery, enthusiastically sets out to find the criminal.


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