Great Teacher Onizuka: Bungee Jumping Made Easy

グレート・ティーチャー・オニヅカ (1999)

Réalisateur: Noriyuki Abe, Hayato Date

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EPISODE: 8 - Bungee Jumping Made Easy


 Onizuka, Murai, Fujiyoshi, and Kusano who will be bowling at the setting of Juria. However, on the way, Juria, who was urgently needed, disappears and the game continues in a terrible mood.

 Meanwhile, Murai's mischief prevents Onizuka's fingers from coming out of the ball. Murai and his friends left the impatient Onizuka and left the bowling alley as they were, and on their way home, they were entangled by the Yankees and fell into a big pinch.


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