Three women and four men: Everyone has a mobile phone, which makes a total of seven mobile phones. When the friends come together for dinner one evening, they suddenly come up with an idea. They play a game: Everyone puts their cell phone in the middle of the table and no matter who gets which pictures or messages sent, no matter how brief - everything has to be shared with the others. Telephone calls are only allowed via the loudspeaker. But what starts as an entertaining pastime, which should bring a little tension in the evening, soon leads to some embarrassing and tense situations full of surprises. And soon, not only the mood threatens to tilt, the long-standing relationships are at stake through the discovery of explosive lies and secrets at stake.


The Perfect SecretThe Perfect SecretThe Perfect SecretThe Perfect SecretThe Perfect SecretThe Perfect SecretThe Perfect SecretThe Perfect SecretThe Perfect SecretThe Perfect SecretThe Perfect SecretThe Perfect Secret


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