
Cyrano and d'Artagnan

Cyrano et d'Artagnan (1964)

akcija, avanturistički | Francuska, Italija, Španjolska
Redatelj: Abel Gance

Ocjena: 6.4/10


In 1642, the Kingdom of France is in a state of permanent political turmoil marred by various plots. King Louis XIII of France is the official ruler but the political power is in the hands of evil Cardinal Richelieu. Some take the side of the King, others take the side of the Cardinal and a few take the side of the Queen. The Queen plots against Cardinal Richelieu and intends to secretly request the help of the King of Spain. Cardinal Richelieu frequently tries to convince the King of France that his wife is a plotter and a traitor. In this context, two poor Frenchmen from Gascony, Cyrano de Bergerac and d'Artagnan, meet on the road to Paris where they seek fame and fortune. Cyrano de Bergerac intends to serve the Queen while d'Artagnan aims to join the King's musketeers. The two become close friends and live a series of swashbuckler adventures and a few romantic exploits. Among these exploits are the secret flings with two beautiful married courtesans, Ninon de Lenclos and Marion ...


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