Rocco was an equestrian event instructor. His brilliant career was crushed by an infamous sentence for fraud and manslaughter: Fabrizio, one of Rocco's pupils, during a competition was thrown from a horse that was later found to be doped. Rocco, although innocent, took responsability for the incident and dinstanced himself from the equestrian world. After eleven years he returns to the stables where he had worked all of his life before the tragedy. He will have to face up to all of the people who were left feeling betrayed by him. But thanks to a young horse of great quality that no one had believed in before and a shy girl of great potential, he will taste the joy of making a comeback and the excitement of the preparation for the big competitions. Victory might not be enough in a world where the logic of success has altered all of the values Rocco believes in, but he doesn't care, because he knows that the winner is not the man who climbs on to the highest step of the podium but is the man who has found the courage to not give up on his own dreams.


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