
Lola's Secret

Il peccato di Lola (1984)

drama | Italija
Redatelj: Bruno Gaburro

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Ocjena: 5.0/10
Ocjena korisnika: 10/10


Sixteen-year-old Albert's mother left for a business trip abroad, and he stays for the last week of holidays, in his beautiful villa (in England), with the sole company of the waiter Angus. But the new housekeeper Lola is coming and she immediately settles in the guest room and circulates around the house in shapely dresses. The boy is naturally fascinated by this exuberant young woman. She tries to seduce him and clashes from the beginning with Angus who warns him of the insidious character. At a time when Lola suddenly senses an illness, Albert helps her by giving her a calming agent that is suitable for heart disease.


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