
Mangupi iz prve klupe

Die Lümmel von der ersten Bank - 1. Trimester: Zur Hölle mit den Paukern (1968)

komedija | Zapadna Njemačka
Redatelj: Werner Jacobs

Ocjena: 5.7/10


Collectable stamps trader Kurt Nietnagel's son Pepe recently transferred from a private boarding school to Mommsen gymnasium (classical high school), but is also already its king of pranksters. Latin teacher Dr. Knörz swears to get rid of Pepe, but a staged suicide means his own exit. Dr. Knörz's replacement, Dr. Kersten, proves a teacher to the rascals' liking. However headmaster Dr. Gottlieb Taft dislikes him for dating his daughter Helena. Now the boys actually come to a teacher's rescue, again trough daring pranks.


Mangupi iz prve klupeMangupi iz prve klupeMangupi iz prve klupeMangupi iz prve klupe


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