
The Count of Saint Elmo

Il conte di Sant'Elmo (1951)

drama | Italija
Redatelj: Guido Brignone

Ocjena: 5.4/10


Set in Sicily in 1860, Massimo Serato, a patriot in disguise complete with tights, mask and trimmings and known as the Count of St. Elmo, is fighting an oppressive government. He holds up a stagecoach in order to obtain money to fund his quest and among his captives is Bianca, a famous opera singer, whom he releases after she sings for the bandits and she, naturally, loses her heart to him. Later, he attempts to rob the home of the Police Minister and is detected by a servant. He finds refuge in the room of the Minister's daughter, Anna Marie Ferrero, tells her of his mission and she also finds herself a victim of his charms. Like that.


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