
The Haunted House

La casa stregata (1982)

komedija | Italija
Redatelj: Bruno Corbucci

Ocjena: 6.1/10
Ocjena korisnika: 6/10


Giorgio is a young Italian bank clerk who has to move from Milan to Rome for work reasons, promising his girlfriend Candida to find a suitable home for them and her own mother. After many comical incidents Giorgio finds a luxurious mansion for rent at a ludicrously low price and is soon joined by Candida and her mother.


Recenzirao/la hymie
subota, 21. siječnja 2023. 23:43
This movie is quite humorous. Renato Pozzetto is entertaining and the setting is charming and fascinating too. The story is simple and interesting, sometimes the characters act in a weird way just because the script needs to create comedic and hilarious situations. It is not always believable and not everything always makes sense, but it is fun and entertaining enough that you will want to ignore this fact and enjoy the movie anyway.

The story at its core is simple and makes sense... (više)
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