
When Women Were Called Virgins

Quando le donne si chiamavano 'Madonne' (1972)

komedija | Italija
Redatelj: Aldo Grimaldi

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Ocjena: 5.0/10
Ocjena korisnika: 5/10


A very little and nice village in Italy, Middle Ages. A woman is under legal action for adultery, three young men trying to seduce three beautiful girls, one of them is the daughter of an unfaithful 'Madonna' (ancient Italian for lady) and another is a virgin scared about sex. The attempts to seduce the girls cross with the two lady's intrigues, but the goal is for all to have sex with others.


When Women Were Called VirginsWhen Women Were Called VirginsWhen Women Were Called Virgins


Recenzirao/la hymie
ponedjeljak, 11. listopada 2021. 06:15
The small Italian village of Prato in the Middle Ages: Giulia (Edwige Fenech) is the wife of Romildo Varrone (Peter Berling), but he cannot satisfy her. He takes his time to erect, but the actual act is only a matter of seconds, and even that only takes place once a month. Giulia has a lover, the young and tireless Marcuzio (Don Backy).

When Romildo catches the two of them red-handed, he takes his wife to court and he threatens her to be burned at the stake. But Giulia delivers a fiery... (više)
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