Alicia Florrick is the wife of a former state's attorney for Cook County. He has been imprisoned after a sex and corruption scandal. Alicia must deal with the public humiliation. She must also fend for her two children. After years of being a housewife and mother, she returns to work as a litigator at the law firm Stern, Lockhart & Gardner. She must now prove herself in the courtroom.

Estaba en los canales:

Movistar Seriesmania  M+ Series  Sundance ES  Nova ES  

  • Arrow (2012)

    Oliver Queen and his father are lost at sea when their luxury yacht sinks, apparently in a storm. His father dies, but Oliver survives for five years on an...
  • Guerra de rosas (2014)

    A young girl named Gulru, admiring her inspiration Gulfem Sipahi and trying to be like her, ends up in a painful life adventure full of revenges and intrigues.
  • Tierra amarga (2018)

    A young couple who dreams of marriage conceal their identity to escape from the darned. They will introduce themselves as sibling and work in the farm in Adana.
  • Lectii de viata (2015)


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