A new FBI profiler, Elizabeth Keen, has her entire life uprooted when a mysterious criminal, Raymond Reddington, who has eluded capture for decades, turns himself...
Follows the story of Claire Randall, a married combat nurse from 1945 who is mysteriously swept back in time to 1743, where she is immediately thrown into an...
Meet The Thundermans, a typical suburban family that happens to have astounding superpowers. At the center of the action are the 14-year-old Thunderman twins, who...
Gülperi is wife who hunterly killed while working at Eyüp Iraq border. Gülperi who learns that her husband is dead experiences a great pain. The greatest pain in...
Inspirada en el exitoso podcast de ciencia ficción original de Podium Podcast (PRISA Audio) 'El gran apagón', la serie parte de una tormenta solar que impacta en...
It consists of the fictionalization of the story of 'Los Miami's', a criminal organization led by 'El inmortal' that controlled the cocaine trade in Madrid in the...
Madrid 1961. Ana Mari is a spinster, lame, a follower of Franco and an instructor in the Female Section. Following Franco's orders, she begins to work as a maid...
Bahar is a young humble girl who is adopted by a poor, but envious woman named Nuran and Ilias construction worker who falls under the bad influence of Nuran....
A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family...
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