The roller-coaster ride of the upstart transportation company, embodying the highs and lows of Silicon Valley.

Estaba en los canales:

Movistar Seriesmania  M+ Series  

  • Lazos de sangre (2018)

    Boris Izaguirre se pone al frente de un programa que realiza el retrato más íntimo de algunos de los grandes protagonistas de la sociedad española y modera el...
  • Billions (2016)

    U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades goes after hedge fund king, Bobby "Axe" Axelrod in a battle between two powerful New York figures.
  • Missions (2017)

    The first manned mission to Mars is now approaching the red planet. The crew includes top-flight scientists and a young female psychiatrist, responsible for their...
  • Crimen en el trópico (2019)

    On the Caribbean island of Martinique, in the middle of the tropics, several mysterious murders occur. Now it is up to the two investigators Mélissa Sainte-Rose...

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