Alexandra es la forense del Instituto Forense de Burdeos y hará cualquier cosa para devolver la dignidad a los muertos y hacerles justicia, incluso si eso significa chocar con el comisario de policía.

Estaba en los canales:

TV5Monde EU  Calle 13  

  • Crímenes perfectos (2017)

    A pair of investigators try to solve seemingly perfect crimes.
  • Crimen en el trópico (2019)

    On the Caribbean island of Martinique, in the middle of the tropics, several mysterious murders occur. Now it is up to the two investigators Mélissa Sainte-Rose...
  • Asesinato en... (2013)

    A collection of police murder investigations each time taking place in a different French city and region.
  • Imborrable (2011)

    Carrie Wells, a former NY Police detective, has a rare medical condition that gives her the ability to visually remember everything. She rejoins the force and...

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